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  • 近义不义之财,民膏民脂
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    民脂民膏[ mín zhī mín gāo ]

    ⒈  比喻人民流血流汗创造出来的财富。

    the hard-won possession of the people; fat of the people; flesh and blood of the people; substance or wealth of the nation; the people's lifeblood;


    ⒈  同“民膏民脂”。

    清 钱泳 《履园丛话·臆论·官久必富》:“今日之足衣、足食者,皆昔日之民脂民膏也,乌足恃乎!”


    民脂民膏[ mín zhī mín gāo ]

    ⒈  人民用血汗换来的财富。也作「民膏民脂」。


    英语lit. the fat and wealth of the people (idiom)​; the nation's hard-won wealth (esp. as an object of unscrupulous exploitation)​, the people's blood, sweat and tears

    法语ressources provenant de la sueur du peuple, richesses accumulées avec le sang et la sueur du peuple

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